GAS OF LATVIA 1997|2006

GAS OF LATVIA agrīnā perioda retrospekcija. Programmā: 01. March / 2005 "Zil Bi Pa Zil Bei" 02. Sirke Uz Spīda / 2004 "Remiksi 1998-2004" 03. Space Gazer / 2001 "The Melancholic Walse" 04. Revolūcijai / 1999 "Latvijas Gāzes Industriālā Romantika" 05. Part 5 / 2002 "[un]real time sound & text show Nr.4." 06  Shiva Trip / 1999 "Saule Saule Spīdi Spoži" 07. Baudi Karu! / 1997 "Nacionālais Atsvešinātības Parks" 08. Dzelmes 10 / 2005 "Dzelmes" 09. Ienāc Manā Frekvencē / 2002 "V.A. Starteris II" 10. Christmas Sex / 2003 "SEX" 12. System Of Planets / 1999 "Sound Guide To Solar System" 13. Layers of Excitement (end) / 2004 "We Are The Champions" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ambient / Noise / Industrial / Space / Electronic - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -