2022. gada jaunumi #1

Atskaņosim mūziku no šī gada pirmās albumu ražas. Pieci smagāki un ne tik smagi albumi, kurus iesakām noklausīties arī pilnā garumā. Atmospheric Sludge Metal no Zviedrijas "Cult of Luna - The Long Road North" Post-Metal/Mathcore no Lielbritānijas "Rolo Tomassi - Where Myth Becomes Memory" Garage Punk/Post-Hardcore no Norvēģijas "Honningbarna - Animorphs" Avant-Garde Metal no Šveices "Zeal & Ardor - Zeal & Ardor" Art Rock/Post-Rock no Lielbritānijas "Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There" Programmā: Cult of Luna - An Offering to the Wild Cult of Luna - Full Moon Rolo Tomassi - Cloaked Rolo Tomassi - Labyrinthine Honningbarna -Animorphs Honningbarna - Passasjer Zeal & Ardor - Church Burns Zeal & Ardor - Emersion Black Country, New Road - Snow Globes Black Country, New Road - Basketball Shoes