2022.gada LP TOP 25 (1.daļa)

2022.gada LP TOP 25 (1.daļa)

2022.gads aizvadīts raidījumā apskatot 226 dažādu žanru albumus no dažādiem pasaules reģioniem. Ir izveidota Spotify plejliste ar 127 skanējušām dziesmām no 50 saturīgākajiem LP. TOP 27 grupām katrai ir ievietotas trīs dziesmas  grupas izkārtotas no 1. uz 50. vietu. 2022.g. LP TOP 25 pirmais raidījums apskatīs albumus no 27. - 14. vietai . 27."Kills Birds" - 2 LP "Married" (12.11.2021) 26."Basement Revolver" - 2 LP "Embody" (18.02.2022) 25."Cruel Cruel" - debut LP "Incendios" (05.11.2021) 24."CIERŃ" - debut LP "The Emperor Rx" (01.05.2022) 23."Sapata" - 2 LP "No Sun to Embrace" (19.02.2021) 22."A Deer A Horse" - debut LP "Grind" (08.04.2022) 21."Menta" - debut LP "Un Momento Extraño" (06.10.2022) 20."El Color Ausente" - debut LP "El Color Ausente" (07.12.2021) 19."Momma" - 3 LP "Household Name" (01.07.2022) 18."Brutus" - 3 LP "Unison Life" (21.10.2022) 17."Ursula" - debut LP "Brains,Waste,Heart" (01.04.2022) 16."EWAH & The Vision of Paradise" - 2 LP "The Warning Birds" (04.03.2022) 15."Gomma" - 2 LP "Zombie Cowboys" (21.01.2022) 14."Faetooth" - debut LP "Remnants of the Vessel" (28.10.2022)  Programmā: "Kills Birds" - "Reasoning" "Basement Revolver" - "Be Okay" "Cruel Cruel" - "Extraño" "CIERŃ" - "Reclamation" "Sapata" - "Buried in Us" "A Deer A Horse" - "Labor Day" "Menta" - "Un llanto" "El Color Ausente" - "Fuego en el Corazón Negro" "Momma" - "Brave" "Brutus" - "Liar" "Ursula" - "Gone Fishin' " "EWAH & the Vision of Paradise" - "Vanishing Point" "Gomma" - "Iena" "Faetooth" - "Strange Ways"